An Epistle to the Honorable


Writing a letter to you is a great way to express my opinions. It is a privilege  to write a missive for you. It will be more accolade if you can read my letter for you.

First of all, your war on drugs successfully created an ambiance of agitation in our whole motherland. There have been many unresolved killings and the Police were all over. You rightly sympathized with the victims of the drug addicts, but your narration did not include the collateral damage of innocent victims of your war on drugs.

Since the COVID-19 started to foray our country, we were optimising that you would be outshine of everything. But as we watched your address your countrymen in light of the situation, our gallantry's sank. We expected high from you. In my opinion, leaders should create solutions to problems with regards to the need of their people whilst ensuring the well-beings of his people and should create answers to knots with regards to the need of their people albeit in assuring welfares of his countrymen.

Aside from the growing number of COVID-19 cases here in our motherland, many of the Filipinos are not able to receive support from the government, the frontliners are not having enough medical equipments like PPE's, and an ordinary citizens being put to jail for violationg quarantine protocols while the rich people doing the same are free to do so. Add to all these is the ABS-CBN shutdown and the Anti-Terror Law. The most important thing I am concerned with as a student is about the School Year 2020-2021. Not all students and teachers can hook up with the blended learning because of financial problems to buy such mobile phones and other gadgets and not all students are fast learners. We want a petition for ACADEMIC FREEZE. No students and teachers should left behind. 

Aside from the issues I mentioned, I would also summate the issue about you and the government romanticizing Filipino's resiliency. We, Pinoys are the only one doing our credits solely. As an example to that is the current situations of our fellow Filipinos in Region II and also as happened before in Bicol Region. I want to acknowledge the positive things you have achieved like the nation wide campaign to rid the country of crime and corruption . But your mistakes and negative ones you have done are sinking. We're demanding accountability not irresponsibility.  

Several Philippine President have been ousted they failed to lead our motherland well, they choose to pursue their selfish ambitions before the needs of their countrymen. People are hurting. People are suffering. Hear us out. We need a more accountable government.


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Seneca Moraleda- Puguan, "An Open Letter To The President", Retrieved October 28, 2020 (

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  1. Good message Jam,hopping that the President Duterte will see this.

  2. Truly, we are feeling disappointment in the actions our county's leader because of our high expectations. I hope that, if ever the President is to come across this letter, the situations are to be addressed accordingly for the well being of everyone.

  3. Your letter is very powerful. Through your letter I can feel that you are very eager to narrate your opinions. Nice work Jamaica!

  4. A nation is without its people, You really thought out of the present immoral issues that Duterte has done throughout his presidency. Hopefully are voices shall be heard for the betterment of our country. Kudos to you

  5. I love your ideas, I can also feel the power of this message. There are words that are unfamiliar to me but thanks for your clear explanations, I was able to understand your point very well. You did great!

  6. Hello Jamaica! The composition regarding the President’s failures is clear and concise. I agree that such situations must be addressed immediately to avoid further impairment. Hope to read more of your blogs!

  7. Hello Jamaica! The composition regarding the President’s failures is clear and concise. I agree that such situations must be addressed immediately to avoid further impairment. Hope to read more of your blogs!

  8. Eye-catching and refreshing blog design. I like that you keep your blog design simple and easy to read. What neat work! You certainly did well. That's all, have a good day.

  9. Hello Jamaica, I am amazed that we have the same views and opinions regarding on the administration of Duterte. I love how you included constructive criticisms because of the many wrongdoings that our government has done. Amazing work!


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