The Artist's Self-delineation


Knowing yourself means respecting your strengths and weaknesses, your passions and fear, your likes and dislikes and many more. It is to understand what motives you to resist bad habits and developing good ones. Your awareness of your own failing  and struggles can help you empathize with others. Seven billion people are on this Earth and everybody is distinct from the rest of others. There is nothing without aspiration in this world. Everything has some purpose. Humans are the best ascent and each person is exclusive. Consequently, writing about myself is to express myself what I see, what I experience and what I plan for my life. I try myself to be self-effacing, passionate, devoted, diligent and open-hearted.

Each one of us has our own individuality that makes us unique. I am Jamaica Reniego. I believe I am a person who dreams big and has ambitions in life. I always try to understand why people behave the way they do. My parents always says that to become a good human being, and more importantly a good character of me being of what I want to be in the future, one needs to have empathy and a lot of patience. A
mbition is the inner aspiration of man. No man can do anything in the world without a dreams. Hugely, all of us should be very persistent about our aim in life.

We may have a lot of similarities in terms of physical appearance but we can only tell what really makes someone different is when get to know a person. I find it easy to tell who I am. I am just a typical student and a teenager. I do the same way I do everyday.

I have a lot of friends. I experience a lot of sufferings a student can imagine and I also felt all the best I did were just never enough. I was hurt several times and I admit I have also hurt people at the expense of my own happiness. If one would know my story, one can actually said I am no difference from others. I can say at my young age I already had a bundles of experiences that I felt like giving up. I am a strong believer of God and the existence of supernatural power in our universe.

But I realized that God has always intervened and broke my spirit to save my souls. It was that I learned to have a faith on him and make it stronger everyday I struggle.

"Essays on my self for Students and Children" Retrieved October 28, 2020 (

Image by Pinterest


  1. I already know you since you're my friend but through this blog I had the chance to know more about you. I would never describe you as a "typical teenager" because your personality stands out from the rest of us. You have a perfect blend of maturity and childishness in the way you act, talk, and move. You never fail to show the child in you in times of serious circumstances which lightens up the moods of the people around you, including me. I know that you have big ambitions, some are even unimaginable, but I believe you are more than capable of achieving them. Throughout your journey, you will surely face some difficulties but I know they won't hinder you because you are a strong person. Reach your dreams, I'll support you in the process and clap at your success.


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