Amidst the pandemic, Quality Education needs Innovations

The present COVID-19 pandemic has brought us abberant challenges and has affected the educational sectors and no one knows when it will end. The problems in today's society with the education system are immeasurable. So many students are deprived of the quality of the education they deserve nowadays throughout this pandemic. Many elementary and high schools students are improving but deserve more attention with school supplies and gadgets for distance learning and need more highly qualified education. Education system today are in a bad need of change.

Nowadays, we are all staying in our homes due to the lockdown policy implemented by the government. However, learning should nothalt and the government should continue to provide a quality education amidst of this pandemic. Our country have introduced sole answer for a quality education during the pandemic to continue the education process in our motherland, it's the "Distance Learning" or the "New Normal Education".

The use of online learning platforms such as Google, TV broadcasts, guidelines, resources, video lectures and online  channels were innovated . With schools to re-open its doors the following school year, it’s vital to plan how schools will be able to pursue their mission of implementing quality education to every student. As school is a public place where crowd is inevitable and children are vulnerable so there is a need to strengthen policy in terms of the delivery of instruction to provide opportunities for online learning platforms.

Students, their parents, and educators around the world are feeling the extraordinary ripple effect of the novel coronavirus as schools are shutting down and quarantine methods are being ordered to cope with the global pandemic. While governments and health officials are doing their best slowing down the outbreak, education systems are collaborating to collectively respond and to provide innovative and quality education for all during these difficult times. Unity is the most important at these formidable times. 

The mission of our education system is the same. It is to overcome the learning crisis we were already living and respond to the pandemic we are all facing. Students deserve to have the education they need to prepare them for the future because they are the future of our Motherland one day. As our education systems veil with this crisis, they must also be thinking of how they can recover stronger with a revitalize sense of responsibility of all and with a better understanding and sense of urgency of the need to close the gap in opportunities and assuring that all children have the same chances for a quality education.


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