Earthquake: Devising an inexorable

 Seismic and volcanic tremors are commonly encountered in the Philippines since it lies along the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is a region where a significant number of earthquakes occur in the Pacific Ocean basin. A number of earthquakes in recent months, for example, have shaken parts of the world. While no significant damage or loss of life has been reported, these incidents could mean that the big one is likely to come as the major Philippine fault lines have been disrupted.

As our nation is located in the most dangerous area of the Pacific region where virtually all kinds of disasters occur and originate. One global tragedy has the power to wash away thousands and millions of lives. Earthquakes are land movements caused by a sudden slip on a fault, and calamities such as earthquakes are one of the most dangerous threats to mankind. It is dangerous enough that thousands of infrastructures can be destroyed and loads of people can be killed, particularly by severe earthquakes. It also triggers other disasters like tsunamis and landslide to happen. 

The government has developed exercises such as earthquake drills to prevent and reduce the likelihood of these disasters and to spread awareness of these calamities in order to tackle these disasters. The National Disaster Risk Mitigation Management Committee, specifically the National Simultaneous Earthquake Exercise, is in charge of making these drills. Here before, during, and after an earthquake, they teach us precautionary and protection measures and also the DO's and DON'Ts.

It is very necessary and useful to engage in these forms of exercises, it has a lot of advantages and increases the chance of survival during an actual earthquake and decreases the risk of injury as minimally as possible. One day these activities and drills will save and assist us from hazardous earthquakes and disasters in general. We need to take these drills and dangerous catastrophes seriously, it can lead to the loss of the lives of thousands and millions of people and even have the power to wipe all the earthborn.

With all the advanced technology and equipment out we have, as we are in the modern age, we shouldn't just rely on these objects, it can't save us all the time. Since then, people have been able to survive and conquer these powerful disasters without advanced technology. We can not only be rescued by earthquake exercises, but we can also support and save the lives of other people.

One of the keys to our survival is preparedness, always be prepared and alert because we don't know what tomorrow or the future has in store for us. Simultaneous earthquake drills informs people on how to react in times of earthquake occurrence. It raises awareness and increases individual safety. Disasters are unpredictable and uncontrollable, humanity is uncertain, we can not fight or avoid it, but we can only survive and conquer it. Let's all be ready, conscious and prepared together.


Lolita Cuber, 2016, The importance of school preparedness during earthquakes. Bussinessmirror, retrieved at:

NDRRMC Leads Nationwide Simultaneous Earthquake Drill, Department of National Defense, GOVPH. Retrieved at:

Images retrieved at:


  1. Hi Jamaica! I love how you constructed your blog clearly and precisely. Your right, disasters are really unpredictable and uncontrolled. That's why government developed earthquake drills for us to get prepared and ready. For what else if we just ignore these. So we must participate in these kind of preparations because it is also for our safety.


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