Their Everlasting Faith and Endeavors

Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress; such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors. It means "bouncing back" from difficult experiences.

Hope prings ever enduring. If there’s one quality that marks the Filipino people, it is resiliency. We’d been colonized, had to rebuild our cities, suffered under terrorism and dictatorship, fended off economic recessions, fled from our homes in the face of calamities and lastly the pandemic we are facing right now. 

Three months have passed since the Philippines implemented strict community quarantines across the motherland. The effects of COVID-19 can be felt all around us as the daily news blaring with statistics, families worried about going hungry, citizens anxious to go back to normal, and a Philippines that is struggling to keep its economy afloat. Our country has faced more than a pandemic. We have survived wars, political and economic paroxysm. Yet we have always recovered and prevailed as a nation. What sustains the Filipino people, especially those in the slums with almost nothing to eat? What inspires a country to thrive, even when its future is uncertain.

A years ago, bombs shattered the country. Our homes and churches were ruined. But the war never destroyed our faith as a people. Faith gives meaning to all the suffering we are facing right now as one nation. Churches may remain closed but we have brought them inside our own homes. We are praying more than before. We are reflecting on the meaning of life and death more than before. Faith washes away our tears of grief and anxiety. Our endeavors set us on our purpose to work and achieve for it for our better nation and for the future of the next generations. It makes us see the needs of others encouraging us to move beyond our comfort zone. It frees us from our individualistic tendencies.

The struggles of us Filipino has opened our eyes to many great lessons in life. It has taught us to reassess the merit of life itself, our health and even the way we choose our leaders. Some may feel there is no more hope. But as we continue our battle with all our struggles, let us remember our two greatest jewels, our ultimate weapon in this pandemic. Faith and Endeavor bind our nation together. They are the soul that makes us one. They are the reason we will rise again as one.


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  1. Your blog amazed me! Jamaica, I'm impressed because your composition is well-structured, your narration is really amazing. Indeed, strong faith helps us to rise above each trial and strengthens us to face the challenges ahead. This blog of yours inspired me and strengthened my faith in God. I hope a lot more individuals and fellow youth notice your blog and be inspired to have faith in God, be more resilient, and unite especially in this time of pandemic and crisis. Stay safe and keep going!

  2. Good day! The blog is deliberately inspiring and I agree that we, Filipinos, should rise as one. Resiliency is indeed one of our greatest attributes as Filipinos. Stay safe!

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. Your blog reminds us Filipinos , that whatever challenge or circumstances we face,especially now that the pandemic invaded the world, we will overcome this because of our faith and this faith made us resilient . Your composition is amazing as well as the theme you used in your blog! It is very pleasant to the eyes.

  5. Hi Jamaica! I really like your blog and i find it interesting. I agree that the tools in combating this pandemic are faith and endeavor. You’re getting better and
    better! Keep it up.


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