Global Warming and Climate Change: What future hold us?


Global warming has emerged as one of the most serious environmental challenges that mankind has ever faced. This concern arises from the fact that our daily activities can lead to changes in the atmosphere of the earth that have the potential to change the heat and radiation balance of the planet significantly. Global warming is causing temperatures to rise, which is much more than previously expected. Climate change has also emerged as one of the most devastating environmental threats. It is essential to assess the awareness regarding climate change and to do an actions in the general population for framing the mitigation activities. One of climate change's major problems is its intangibility. The scope is just too broad to understand, and our everyday lives are far too far away from many of the most visible impacts. Climate change, for others is either overwhelmingly daunting or vague enough to be easy to overlook.

Global warming's detrimental effects can be devastating and a possible threat to the life of mankind. Therefore, in order to initiate the required improvements to the economies, resource use, actions, and general approach to nature, it is important for everyone particularly those in the scientific community to have a thorough understanding of the problem as well as the possible solutions to the problem.

Training is an integral element of the global climate change response. It helps people consider and discuss the effects of global warming, strengthens young people's climate awareness, facilitates changes in their attitudes and behaviors, and helps them respond to developments related to climate change. Education and awareness-raising allow informed decision-making, play an essential role in increasing adaptation and mitigation capacities of communities, and motivate women and men to adopt sustainable lifestyle.

Knowledge is power but knowledge with action is more powerful. We should learn more about the science behind our climate challenge and the responsibility that we hold in addressing the issue. Add your voice to the issues that are shaping the climate debate as well as emerging, evidence-based data that directly relates to changes in our climate. One person can make a difference, but together, we can make a movement. Consider the communities that you are a part of, whether its your neighborhood, your school or your company or organization. Collective action can have a major impact and major influence for change. Consider how you can gather support by mobilizing a larger group for action.

Even though global warming affects the entire world population the only way to fight the dilemma is for every town or city to work together to solve this problem and it is every communities responsibility to deal with this serious crisis that we have brought upon ourselves. Our involvement in the climate change action campaign is enough. In this global crisis, ignorance can never be an excuse. Negligence is far more than a mistake. We are destroying nature at an unprecedented rate, threatening the survival of a million species and our own future, too. But it’s not too late to save them and us. The global state is already troubling and saving the World is already upon us.

"We are the stewards of God's creation."




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