
Showing posts from January, 2021

I'm the Pilot of my new life journey

 2020. A year we welcomed wholeheartedly and whom we expect a year of change gave us a lot of challenges and difficulties. Everyone got devastated. Some of us gave up but a lot of us are ceaseless. The past year seemed to ponder around with these horrifying binge like the proliferating of the COVID-19 that made 2020 a darkest year to everyone. Our country is grappling with an invisible, deadly enemy, trying to understand how to live with the threat posed by a virus. Honestly, I'm not that satisfied with myself with the past year. I wasn't able to fullfil a lot of things but I will surely make it to my 2021. Apparently, after days have passed this year, nothing that drastic happened to my life. A new year means another year for me to change and reinvent myself, accomplish my goals for the year, and encourage as many people as I can, even in the smallest possible way. But it's been a year, yet I still feel the same. The same routine, the same old habits, ever since the quaran