I'm the Pilot of my new life journey

 2020. A year we welcomed wholeheartedly and whom we expect a year of change gave us a lot of challenges and difficulties. Everyone got devastated. Some of us gave up but a lot of us are ceaseless. The past year seemed to ponder around with these horrifying binge like the proliferating of the COVID-19 that made 2020 a darkest year to everyone. Our country is grappling with an invisible, deadly enemy, trying to understand how to live with the threat posed by a virus. Honestly, I'm not that satisfied with myself with the past year. I wasn't able to fullfil a lot of things but I will surely make it to my 2021.

Apparently, after days have passed this year, nothing that drastic happened to my life. A new year means another year for me to change and reinvent myself, accomplish my goals for the year, and encourage as many people as I can, even in the smallest possible way. But it's been a year, yet I still feel the same. The same routine, the same old habits, ever since the quarantine began. The world around me is changing constantly. Change is hard for some people, and not being used to it usual. It takes a lot of willpower to let go of stuff that has become a part of your life. 

I'm really looking forward to face more adventures by the year 2021. I want to cherish the feeling of spending my time to those people who are close to me. It is tough to predict what might happen considering the situation we are in at the moment because the possibilities are enormous. I may not know where should I go but I will promise to myself it won't be boring. I want to have fun and enjoy without worrying any little things. I want to savor the feeling of being a teenager and live my life to the fullest. I want to get out of my comfort zone and I want to uncover a side of me that's been covered amd I have not yet explore. Sometimes, I tend to be someone else, but at the same time, I still want to be myself, if that makes any sense. In life, I want to change my point of view, have a good perspective, move on and create a new journey. I've learned a lot in 2020 and I will apply those knowledge this current year. I will make a better version of me.

I believe that a new year provides a new beginning, setting goals, such as being a splendid individual, overcoming bad habits, enhancing one's lifestyle, elevating one's well-being, being happy, achieving one's dreams, writing some wrongs, living with hope, injecting our lives with joy, accepting harmony, living a spiritual existence, improving well-being and satisfaction with life. 

Despite the unknowable future, I embrace these words “Hope smiles from the threshold of the year to come, whispering ‘it will be happier." by Alfred Tennyson. Regardless of the unknowable tomorrow, I’ve promised myself to live my daily life “Carpe Diem." I need to make the most of the present time and give a little thought about the future. Life is either an adventure or nothing at all. The new year offers a fresh beginning for a new journey with hope as your comfort into the unknown.

I will lift up my wings again and fly to face a new adventures. Just like an airplane flying under the sky my dreams seems like flying with it. To aim high and soar fly is my intention and I'm the pilot of my own life journey.

“No matter how hard the past, you can always begin again.”

Image retrieved at Pinterest




  1. Admirable choice of words and formation of phrases, Jamaica. The way you narrate your sentiments caught my absolute interest. Stay safe and keep up the good work!


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