Undying Faith


Lent has traditionally been a time to reflect on Jesus' crucifixion and resurrection, to fast, and to make some necessary changes in one's life. It was also a time to do good deeds in the world and bring healing and hope. The forty days leading up to Easter reflect Jesus' time in the desert before his crucifixion. It can also be a time to live and prepare, in addition to going deeper inside. Also, a time to live and preach hope, particularly in times of darkness and despair, as many people do in our time. The great love God has for us at all times, particularly through the creation, pain, death, and resurrection of Jesus for our redemption, is the foundation of our hope.

Authorities have assured that the celebration of Lenten Season this year will continue despite the COVID-19 virus still emerging and a continuous rise in the number of cases, but that safety measures will be implemented to ensure the people's safety and well-being. Face masks and face shields are needed, as well as physical and social distance. It is strongly advised to disinfect and sanitize the region. We held our tradition despite the circumstances, and despite the virus limiting many events.

The novel coronavirus pandemic fell during Lenten season, making celebrations of Palm Sunday and Easter far different from tradition. Let us open our minds and hearts to the ephemeral nature of God's presence and grace during this Lenten season. Through placing ourselves in God's hands, we strive to empty ourselves of our self-righteousness to pride and see if we can react to God's call in new ways. We will bring profound hope into our own lives and the world through God's transformative strength. May we, loving God, be your partners in hope this Lent and throughout the year.

Image retrieved at https://pin.it/2rCHruc


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