Volunteer to Reclaim

 The Covid-19 pandemic affected almost every aspect of life, causing global economies to slow, altering how we live and bond with our loved ones, and pressuring healthcare systems to their crisis point. To stop the virus from spreading, governments all over the world have been forced to impose serious constraints on human activity. COVID-19 has the potential to cause severe and even life-threatening complications. It's impossible to predict how COVID-19 will affect you. If you get sick, you may risk causing harm to your friends, family, and others. Before any vaccine including COVID-19 vaccines, clinical trials must verify that they are safe and effective. These vaccines being made of must be authorized and approved first. A Covid-19 vaccine's proven and potential benefits must outweigh its known and potentiated risks.

Now that efficient COVID-19 vaccines have been produced and are being delivered to the general public, it is important for people to know the benefits of the vaccines and why they far outweigh any minor possible side effects or inconvenience. COVID-19 vaccines have been tested in clinical trials and accepted because the findings indicate that the vaccine is safe and show that the vaccine significantly reduces the probability of contracting the virus. (Michael Saag, M.D., professor of medicine in the University of Alabama at Birmingham Division of Infectious Diseases)

Even if you get the virus, the COVID-19 vaccine can help you avoid becoming seriously ill, based on what has been proven about vaccines for other diseases. Getting vaccinated can also protect those around you, particularly those who are at higher risk of serious COVID-19 illness. Wearing masks and maintaining a safe distance from others will help minimize the risk of catching the virus or spreading it to others, but these precautions are inadequate. Vaccines work with the immune system to prepare it to defeat the infection if you become afflicted.

The strongest defense against COVID-19 is a mixture of getting vaccinated and following health experts' protocols to protect yourself and others. Stopping a pandemic necessarily requires the use of all available tools. We also need to learn more about how COVID-19 vaccination will help communities mitigate disease transmission, and scientists and health experts will continue to update the recommendations to protect our country using the latest science they are experimenting.

A large number of residents in our country are afraid to have Covid-19 vaccine because of the news reports about those who already had Covid-19 vaccine, side effects of the vaccine and small amount of knowledge about the vaccine they knew. They assumed that those vaccines may lead to threaten their lives. As a student and as a citizen of this country, I voluntarily and willing to get vaccinated not just for myself but for my family, friends and the people who I get along everyday. Despite of the side effects and other vulnerabilities of the Covid-19 vaccines, I'm not afraid of that and I'm looking forward to the results of the decision I made and supported by my parents. We are all tired wearing mask and face shields. If that is accomplished, we will be able to return to a normal society. Without distancing, masks, or discomfort. We can enjoy everyday life, family activities, work, and education. We'll be able to go shopping, eat out, and take family vacations without having to think about the consequences. Instead of virtual holiday events, we can have real ones. It's as plain as that, we'll reclaim our lives.

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- https://www.bioworld.com/articles/435995-south-koreas-genexine-begins-phase-iiia-trials-for-covid-19-vaccine


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