
Showing posts from November, 2020

Earthquake: Devising an inexorable

 Seismic and volcanic tremors are commonly encountered in the Philippines since it lies along the Pacific Ring of Fire, which is a region where a significant number of earthquakes occur in the Pacific Ocean basin. A number of earthquakes in recent months, for example, have shaken parts of the world. While no significant damage or loss of life has been reported, these incidents could mean that the big one is likely to come as the major Philippine fault lines have been disrupted. As our nation is located in the most dangerous area of the Pacific region where virtually all kinds of disasters occur and originate. One global tragedy has the power to wash away thousands and millions of lives. Earthquakes are land movements caused by a sudden slip on a fault, and calamities such as earthquakes are one of the most dangerous threats to mankind. It is dangerous enough that thousands of infrastructures can be destroyed and loads of people can be killed, particularly by severe earthquakes. It also

Amidst the pandemic, Quality Education needs Innovations

The present COVID-19 pandemic has brought us abberant challenges and has affected the educational sectors and no one knows when it will end. The problems in today's society with the education system are immeasurable. So many students are deprived of the quality of the education they deserve nowadays throughout this pandemic. Many elementary and high schools students are improving but deserve more attention with school supplies and gadgets for distance learning and need more highly qualified education. Education system today are in a bad need of change. Nowadays, we are all staying in our homes due to the lockdown policy implemented by the government. However, learning should nothalt and the government should continue to provide a quality education amidst of this pandemic. Our country have introduced sole answer for a quality education during the pandemic to continue the education process in our motherland, it's the "Distance Learning" or the "New Normal Education

Their Everlasting Faith and Endeavors

Resilience is the process of adapting well in the face of adversity, trauma, tragedy, threats or significant sources of stress; such as family and relationship problems, serious health problems or workplace and financial stressors. It means "bouncing back" from difficult experiences. Hope prings  ever enduring. If there’s one quality that marks the Filipino people, it is resiliency. We’d been colonized, had to rebuild our cities, suffered under terrorism and dictatorship, fended off economic recessions, fled from our homes in the face of calamities and lastly the pandemic we are facing right now.  Three months have passed since the Philippines implemented strict community quarantines across the motherland. The effects of COVID-19 can be felt all around us as the daily news blaring with statistics, families worried about going hungry, citizens anxious to go back to normal, and a Philippines that is struggling to keep its economy afloat. Our country has faced more than a pandem